Non-Profits share similar aspects as their business relatives working for profit. Both working to ensure their success and both experiencing similar barriers toward that success. The increased strain posed to change management for non-profits though, is due to its inability to be as flexible as their corporate cousins when change happens. Non-profits do not have major resources set aside for major change. This tight resource is all the more reason why ...
Category: Leadership
Organizational Assessments Begin with Key Leadership Self-Awareness
You must have an honest understanding of your values, thought patterns, goals, desires, ambitions, emotional responses, strengths and weaknesses and how those affect other people. This is not an easy task. It takes years to develop and while you must be committed to it, you will also need to rely heavily on honest feedback from others. Once you’ve developed this skill-set and practice it regularly, self-awareness managing your behavior becomes ...
How to Change a Toxic Work Culture
You see team members afraid to voice their concerns; a build-up of rules and processes that are more barrier than benefit, communication is running top-down only, and silos have become par for the course. What you see now is a toxic culture in dire need of positive change. We all know the impact of toxic cultures on employees. Apathy may be present in as much as 67 percent of workers (Gallup ...
On Being Business Savvy
We see them all the time. Often times we will work with them. We can spot business savvy leaders anywhere. We recognize their knowledge, ongoing learning and understanding in their field. Yet how is it that we cannot see that same commitment to our own profession as our own ability to be that business savvy person? Developing your range of skills as a leader and extensive knowledge of your business ...
Leadership – On Seeking and Receiving Feedback
Good leaders help guide us. They make the tough calls that keep departments, regions and whole organizations moving forward. Their leadership will determine the outcome of the organization either in a positive or negative way. As well-intentioned leaders, we will always need to improve our skills in order to provide the leadership our teams expect from us. One way to achieve this goal is by seeking and receiving feedback from others. ...
Non-profit Board Development Training: Why roles and responsibilities must be assigned and fully understood to be effective in providing quality services.
It is not uncommon to poll a sample of the public to discover that non-profit board directors meet occasionally to discuss matters and walk away until called upon to meet again. The reality is that non-profit boards, have both public and fiduciary responsibilities within their respective charities. Roles must be created, applied and adhered to in order for the organization to be ultimately successful in providing quality services. Non-Profits, like many ...
Creating a Personal Brand on Social Media to Get Noticed and Land a Job
It is not easy looking for a job. Where do you start, knowing companies demand high levels of professionalism and performance. It is more than your resume. It also includes your online reputation and the fact that it has to be solid. Knowing how you want to look online as your 'personal brand' is a great way to make a reputable impression. If you are serious about it, building a personal ...