Good leaders in HITM (Healthcare Information Technology Management) help guide us and make the tough calls that keep technology in healthcare moving forward. Determining the outcome of positively moving forward, is the leader's ability to recognize if their actions will impact others in a beneficial or harmful way. As workplace professionals, we can spot a bad leader almost immediately. Our society has proven quite adept at this. The question here is can ...
Category: Personal Improvement
Leadership – On Seeking and Receiving Feedback
Good leaders help guide us. They make the tough calls that keep departments, regions and whole organizations moving forward. Their leadership will determine the outcome of the organization either in a positive or negative way. As well-intentioned leaders, we will always need to improve our skills in order to provide the leadership our teams expect from us. One way to achieve this goal is by seeking and receiving feedback from others. ...
First Time Presenting? Put The Panic Away And Read This Now!
"I'm looking forward to standing in front of strangers to make my first presentation".... said no one ever! Sweaty palms, nervousness, queasy feelings are usually the most popular signs felt when preparing for your presentation. Well here's the good news. You are not alone, and you can minimize all those things with a few simple but extremely effective tips. Let’s break it down to 3 areas we need to cover to make ...
Creating a Personal Brand on Social Media to Get Noticed and Land a Job
It is not easy looking for a job. Where do you start, knowing companies demand high levels of professionalism and performance. It is more than your resume. It also includes your online reputation and the fact that it has to be solid. Knowing how you want to look online as your 'personal brand' is a great way to make a reputable impression. If you are serious about it, building a personal ...
Excuse me, but your DQ is showing and you may not even realize it!
What is DQ? The impact of technology in society is widespread and accelerating. As its volume grows exponentially, experts predict that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. Ten years ago, tech savvy meant having an email address. Today Facebook records a billion daily active accounts and the battle for social media dominance is underway. These changes herald exciting possibilities. But they also create ...
I have learned to just RIDE my goals !
Life after my 40’s and 50’s certainly has had its moments of wondering if my goals were achieved or went missing somewhere along the way. Many years of making external pursuits for your family, job, friends may have put you in a position to instinctively think ‘others first’. If this is you then like myself, you may have asked: What is my purpose in life? Grab a sheet of paper or a tablet, ...
Better @Home and @Work – 5 ways to get you started on boosting your self-confidence
Self-esteem issues and a terrible self-image can affect you in a range of different ways from changing how you view yourself and your relationships to how you treat others. When dealing with self-esteem, some of the most common issues that you can expect and should overcome include: Self-hate While there are instances where you might dislike who you are, loathing every thought and action that you take is typically a sign of ...
Better @Home and @Work – How to deal with that inner struggle of self-doubt
Self-doubt is something that a lot of people have to deal with on a daily basis. At one point or another in an individual’s life, it is quite normal to start doubting or asking questions about the state of things. Are you making enough money? Are you successful enough? Are you doing enough to be fruitful and healthy? Because of these questions, it is easy to find yourself in a ...