When Your Boss Doesn’t Care Anymore – Dealing With Apathy

February 8, 2020

For those unsure of its meaning, apathy is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern regarding work tasks and responsibilities. Working as an Executive Assistant at times, certainly feels as if you are in a maze of mixed signals and hidden agendas. One of the most frustrating signals is when your boss begins to show apathy. When the time comes that you are in a position where defending your boss's actions or ...

First Time Presenting? Put The Panic Away And Read This Now!

July 17, 2018

"I'm looking forward to standing in front of strangers to make my first presentation".... said no one ever! Sweaty palms, nervousness, queasy feelings are usually the most popular signs felt when preparing for your presentation. Well here's the good news. You are not alone, and you can minimize all those things with a few simple but extremely effective tips. Let’s break it down to 3 areas we need to cover to make ...

Better @Home and @Work – 5 ways of dealing with anxiety

April 12, 2018

Most people do not like to admit when they are feeling anxious. However, in reality, everyone in the world experiences several nail-biting moments that can make them apprehensive. Some levels of stress and anxiety can actually be good for you because they can encourage you to take a path towards change and growth. But when the stress and anxiety are extended they can become an overbearing burden and can even ...