Major Use Cases for Blockchain Technology.

October 2, 2019

When we mention Bitcoin, the next thought jumps to Blockchain. They are definitely not the same. Bitcoin uses Blockchain technology to process its currency. It was the first (hence the most popular) permanent decentralized, global trustless ledger of records. Since its explosion on the market, the use of Blockchain technology has fueled many imaginations, wondering what industry can be disrupted putting the full power of cryptography of transactions in individuals’ hands. While many suggestions and ideas have ...

Trust in a Trustless Economy

August 21, 2019

It’s the oxymoron of the times. Investing in a trustless economy is about the most trustworthy investment to make today.   Let us take a step back to understand what trust really is in a taxonomy of blockchains. On the human side, at the core of any relationship, agreement or society for that matter, cooperation and interdependence are key prerequisites to establish trust. Further extension of this indicates that any society or ...