Why Non-Profits Leaders Should Invest In Change Management Training

September 22, 2019

Non-Profits share similar aspects as their business relatives working for profit. Both working to ensure their success and both experiencing similar barriers toward that success.   The increased strain posed to change management for non-profits though, is due to its inability to be as flexible as their corporate cousins when change happens. Non-profits do not have major resources set aside for major change. This tight resource is all the more reason why ...

Non-profit Board Development Training: Why roles and responsibilities must be assigned and fully understood to be effective in providing quality services.

August 9, 2018

It is not uncommon to poll a sample of the public to discover that non-profit board directors meet occasionally to discuss matters and walk away until called upon to meet again. The reality is that non-profit boards, have both public and fiduciary responsibilities within their respective charities. Roles must be created, applied and adhered to in order for the organization to be ultimately successful in providing quality services.   Non-Profits, like many ...