Leadership – On Seeking and Receiving Feedback

September 15, 2018

Good leaders help guide us. They make the tough calls that keep departments, regions and whole organizations moving forward. Their leadership will determine the outcome of the organization either in a positive or negative way. As well-intentioned leaders, we will always need to improve our skills in order to provide the leadership our teams expect from us. One way to achieve this goal is by seeking and receiving feedback from others. ...

I have learned to just RIDE my goals !

June 7, 2018

Life after my 40’s and 50’s certainly has had its moments of wondering if my goals were achieved or went missing somewhere along the way. Many years of making external pursuits for your family, job, friends may have put you in a position to instinctively think ‘others first’. If this is you then like myself, you may have asked:  What is my purpose in life? Grab a sheet of paper or a tablet, ...